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  • Approved alternative to PO (Feb 21, 2025)

    After I went private I promised to follow up with a suggestion for those who are locked out of the PO community. After auditing several providers, my suggestion is HYPERVISION (hypervision.gg)

    If you are unable to use PO, you should use HV. The dev fixes bugs fast, makes improvements fast, is friendly, & knows his stuff when it comes to security

  • Summary (Jan 9, 2025)

    If you had a purchase expire in December 2024 or January 2025 (meaning you purchased November 2024 or later), you can check here for a renewal invoice to pay: https://www.phantomoverlay.io/clients/orders/

    If the renewal invoice wasn't automatically or manually paid in time, you can make a ticket for a one time exception (renewal invoice re-generated): https://www.phantomoverlay.io/support/

    Having even one renewing PO product means you can see & purchase any PO product whenever you want

    When a 30 day purchase expires, you will automatically renew if you have a card saved here: https://www.phantomoverlay.io/clients/cards/

    If you can't auto renew, go here after your purchase expires to manually pay your renewal invoice: https://www.phantomoverlay.io/clients/orders/

    If you own one or more active lifetime key(s), you can ignore this announcement because you have unconditional access forever

  • Details on who can stay & how to stay announcement (Jan 1, 2025)

    If you have made even one single lifetime purchase to any of my cheats over the years (even old discontinued ones like MW2019 or Halo), you have a permanent Customer role & will continue to have access to everything with no additional purchase necessary as long as your lifetime purchase wasn't refunded or disputed.

    If you don't have any lifetime purchases, then you must maintain at least one renewing 30 day purchase to keep access to everything (which is how you keep your Customer role).

    When a 30 day purchase expires, you will automatically renew if you have a card saved here: https://www.phantomoverlay.io/clients/cards/

    If you can't auto renew, go here after your purchase expires to manually pay your renewal invoice: https://www.phantomoverlay.io/clients/orders/

    If you recently expired & can't find your renewal invoice, you can make a ticket here: https://www.phantomoverlay.io/support/

  • Phantom Overlay going private announcement (Dec 31, 2024)

    Happy new year dear PO users!

    2024 was a year of big growth for PO as a lot of other providers faced one or multiple detections. We did better than most and I want to keep it that way. Which is why:

    Phantom Overlay is now a closed private community!

    Nothing in particular happened. I just don't want to be in the spotlight anymore.

    I have done bad things, which I regret, to keep Phantom Overlay users safe. I have spent immense hours of my life to keep the cheats undetected despite intense anti-cheat pressure. My customers deserve to see me in the community & to be heard by me. My family wants more of my time too. It's time for a change.

    Starting right now, only existing Phantom Overlay customers with an active 30 day subscription or lifetime can access the cheat software & most of the PO website. New registrations are disabled & existing users without an active sub or lifetime are shut out.

    If you have a 30 day purchase, you must ensure that it automatically renews when it expires or you will lose access. Make sure you have a valid payment method saved here: https://www.phantomoverlay.io/clients/cards/

    If your purchase can't auto renew, you will still have a very short window of time after each expiry to manually renew so that you don't lose access.

    Anyone caught sharing exclusive access to Phantom Overlay products with someone else will be permanently banned from the community with no available appeal.

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