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Interchangeable radar shape


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Hi guys, I was wondering, would it be possible if their was a way to implement square shaped radars on the phantom overlay radar settings? please and thank you!

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  • Administrator

The cheat radar is always circular, but what you can do is increase the transparency of our radar, overlay our radar with the in game mini map (which you have set to square). Then you'll have player positions over the game's square mini map.

New MW3 Radar Configs:

Radar Round or Square (they’re the same values)

? To edit X & Y for your radar, set the radar position to "custom"

? To see directional arrows instead of dots, turn high performance off in your menu (in "other" tab)

? To change between square & circle mini-map, go to in-game settings -> interface -> mini-map shape

? If you use config saving please tweak your radar settings slightly from what is provided. Even editing transparency by a few and other numbered options by 1 or 2 up or down. This will make your config string fully unique which helps prevent anti-cheat scanning

1080p Radar Overlay Settings
Position: Custom
Current Position (X): 24
Current Position (Y): 18
Size: 218
Range: 30
Transparency: 100/100

1440p (2K) Radar Overlay Settings
Position: Custom
Current Position (X): 34
Current Position (Y): 24
Size: 292
Range: 30
Transparency: 100/100

3840p (4K) Radar Overlay Settings
Position: Custom
Current Position (X): 52
Current Position (Y): 42
Size: 406
Range: 30
Transparency: 100/100

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  • Administrator

Press "Export" in the menu and your config gets saved to your clipboard. Paste into a notepad and you'll paste a string of characters that corresponds to your config. Save that notepad, then copy the contents the next time you're going to inject. Press "Import" and your config will be imported.

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