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Loader Download Problem


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I am unable to download the loader. It just says "resuming" in my download process and goes on like that forever. In the past it would download in 2 seconds, not sure what to do. Thanks!

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Same, it is downloading but at 15kb a second, taking 20 minutes to download the 15mb file. Then when I do eventually get it downloaded the Days left and Status are blank and I get connection error (3) after I insert my key. 

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18 minutes ago, NathanBarley said:

Same, it is downloading but at 15kb a second, taking 20 minutes to download the 15mb file. Then when I do eventually get it downloaded the Days left and Status are blank and I get connection error (3) after I insert my key. 

yeah...same here

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they made an announcement on the telegram, they are aware of the issue and said they will post an update soon...time will be given for whats missed!

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Guys y'all are trippen, yes the download seems buggy as in the download time but if you just wait and have patience it'll finish and ask you if you want to keep the download. Mine too awhile too and I was confused, just have to give it some time. Patience is key young ones. 

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