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Interested in starting with PO




I've never used PO, only other providers and it has been over a year since I've used anything. PO looks promising but I'm not sure what would be my best course of action to start using it. My account has a LOT of legit hours, but I would rather not lose it. Would I be better off spoofing HWID and creating a new account, or running it on my main with legit settings? I don't see myself  using any aim settings, only ESP/Radar and I believe I have enough experience on older games I can use these without watching walls. I just don't want to get caught in an SB loop on a new account with no aging so I'm kind of leaning towards just running on my main carefully. Any thoughts/personal experience would be appreciated thank you. 

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If you highly value your main account I don't recommend using a cheat on it. You'd be safest using a very safe spoofer like Sickk and a new account. You would need to play carefully on the new account to avoid shadow bans early on, but after that you'd be fine using the cheat on that account. We have a guide on making accounts here: https://www.phantomoverlay.io/forums/topic/361-make-your-own-account-do-not-buy-one-chapter-001/

Ultimately it's up to you. We have the safest public cheat on the market, and if you play following our guides you shouldn't have problems either way.

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