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Lock on target for legit settings


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I've been playing around with the Aimbot settings for awhile and I noticed that having it on or off at below 28 smoothness doesn't really make a different if the fov is greater than 6. 


My question is, I wanna keep having a "smooth" aim so I'm keeping it at 35-38 with 6 FOV but I noticed that when I turn on the lock on target feature with these settings it's like having lower smoothness.


So what's best? Low 28 smoothness with lock on target off or high smoothness with it on?

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3 hours ago, PeptoBismuth said:

I've been playing around with the Aimbot settings for awhile and I noticed that having it on or off at below 28 smoothness doesn't really make a different if the fov is greater than 6. 


My question is, I wanna keep having a "smooth" aim so I'm keeping it at 35-38 with 6 FOV but I noticed that when I turn on the lock on target feature with these settings it's like having lower smoothness.


So what's best? Low 28 smoothness with lock on target off or high smoothness with it on?

Use high smoothness with lock on target disabled for max legit aim

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