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Why Do You Cheat ?


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I started in October last year. I'm a pretty decent player at Warzone (1.84KD before I stopped being legit), I got my 18 kill pr in ashika island and was disconnected in the middle of the game because of spam reporting and got shadowbanned.

I was stuck in the loop for over a month until I had enough, I downloaded cheats and made a couple new accounts and started using soft aim and radar. At least now players have a good reason to report me instead of abusing the report system against a legit player. 

I just got sick of a broken system. The only way to have fun in warzone is to cheat at this point.

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a few reasons to state

- sick of doin pc masterrace, for instance cod : mw1 warzone almost 200fps, now warzone 3 : not even 120 and when you get shot it dops to 70 or less, Need to play on lowest settings with dlss sh1t cant even see enemys so theres that.


cs legit cheatin is fun, can play without brainless matchmaking


dont have time to get better, we aint >18 anymore. Work work work >.>

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Posted (edited)

Kept running into an insane amount of hackers in ranked so finally decided if you can’t beat them join em. 

Edited by munda69
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Posted (edited)
On 5/11/2024 at 4:31 PM, munda69 said:

Kept running into an insane amount of hackers in ranked so finally decided if you can’t beat them join em. 

Yeah same ! Now I have them always running for the first minute or 2 of the game, if I see that enemy didn't wait me around the corner and/or pre aim me (just check the skeleton position) I just turn esp off. ( no aimbot, cause I thinks I already have a good precision, and in a game full of headglitch it's too sus ) 

If I see something wrong, well... I try my best to bring the team to the victory (always playing legit style).

Activision is bringing old player to this, after 14 yrs of cod I just choose to act in this way for self defence...

Edited by usedtobeabused
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I cheat because I had a motorcycle wreck back in 2015 that left me more than a little worse for wear. My reaction time is now piss-poor which causes a delay in initial reaction as well as following the enemy after initial contact. Prior to the wreck, however, I only ever cheated in singleplayer titles where it was only my time, fun, and money being jeopardized.

To be honest though, if I felt that 75-80% of the community wasn't cheating in some way, I would probably (at least try to) play legit and just deal with my own handicap. But now that I've had the tools at my disposal for so long and can pretty easily tell when someone is even closest cheating, I am convinced that the majority of the community is cheating. At least on the PC side of things. Or maybe it's just how I'm choosing to justify my decision. Either way, I cheat, and I don't feel bad about it.

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honestly i not cheat in mf3 but in mf2, i do missions and ugrade guns, but i not touch a players, yes happens when coming some lol chinese cheter and just shooting me true the wall than iam angry.. most use only wallhacks, shooting by my self, sometiems u have a stuf wich u just dont want a lose lol. yes in mf3 its full of cheters and i start see in mf2 also lol  but most mf3.. want to play normal but u falling down then even didint reach groung get shooted dirtect in air, when checking kill cam thn see 100 procet cheter lol iam just playing for fun not intrested for diamond and more

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I cheat because i was/am the top 0.05% and i refuse to lose to someone thats not better than me because they bought cheats so we will see whos better with them me or you 9/10 its gonna be me

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my reason has been stated already but hell i clicked this forum to speak it so here it is. I came to PO because i was tired of getting shit on by hackers... so i researched how to get some hacks myself. took about a week of digging to find a "legit" service. I found this beautiful gem of a service actually watching a youtube video that was talking bad about the guy. He's a beast idgaf what they say. I love PO and i love the master here. Thank u guys so much. And now the field is definatly leveled. 20 bombs daily. The sweet sweet satisfaction. And its exactly as i expected, not some but MOST players are using cheats. Now im not some idiot trying to play fair in a unfair world. Thanks and love again PO.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aim Assist is as strong as aimbot, why C/S players wouldn't have it ? Im gonna destroy those retarded controllers until they nerf RAA

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I used to cheat in RDR2 until I was banned. I was mainly a 'nice' cheater who didn't really pick on people (until they picked on me first.) I just liked treating the game as a sandbox and making other people happy and helping them with the grind.

As for overwatch 2, the community is pretty toxic and im ngl when I say I do enjoy blowing heads off with widow. I don't cheat because im necessarily bad as i've had incredible K/D ratio games. That being said, sometimes I feel guilty, but I think the main thing that comes from me is I like the attention, which is sad to admit. I don't rage hack or want to necessarily ruin anyone elses game, I just have an ego that wants to be stroked without me sweating my ass off for 2000 hours. 

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I am a fomer Euro and World Champion in several BF series games, and also the recordholder for longest winstreak(and longest held nr 1 spot) in older CoD games in both Clanbase, ESL and TWL ladders. Also won several large scale Lan competitions in Europe, all as a clean player during the period 2006 - 2016. But the latest years when playing i have encountered so much cheats as i never saw before, so now that im not competing anymore i decided to join the hackers. Got tired of shitkidz with wallhack and aimbot bully an old guy as me......So now the shitkidz get hacked back:-)

Edited by teejay8681
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On 6/12/2024 at 2:07 PM, Limitedcy said:

Aim Assist is as strong as aimbot, why C/S players wouldn't have it ? Im gonna destroy those retarded controllers until they nerf RAA

Try setting Aimbot to 9/9. Definitely not like aim assist. haha

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dyspraxia, specifically a form called motor dyspraxia or developmental coordination disorder. I look at shit and want to aim at it, my hand doesn’t follow correctly. That’s why I cheat.


ive gotten better at playing games but with shooters I just don’t handle well

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was lvl10 faceit/high elo esea on cs without cheats since 2014. The same way watching pros and better players and generally playing between better playing improves your skill level, cheating does the exact same. You gain confidence to peek angles, you get comfortable with movement, you learn the map and game sense, even more so with esp- you learn timings that are otherwise incredibly difficult to learn through watching vods or such. I dont cheat often, more so periodically, either that or i create a smurf. The confidence boost, the relaxed and loose playstyle can be the exact change of pace needed to reset when in a slump or learning a game. Coming from a high level of cs i can confidently say I'm pretty good in any fps game i touch and in this case i've started cheating in mw3 to overcome that initial hurdle of learning guns, metas, maps, loot spots, etc without having to sit there and painfully slug through the first 100-400 hours. Now on my smurf/cheat acc i was iridescent last season and i've already made it comfortably to crimson on my main while the cheat updates. Cheating has lowered the learning curve of a new game to me from 100-400 hours to a solid 20-30hours. I'm now sat on about 65-70 hours on mw3.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Its the first time for me

I mainly do it because I fucking hate Activision and their EOMM and SBMM. If they did not had that, I would not cheat

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It started when I was 10, playing COD4:MW with friends from school I got invited to an infection lobby that a friend of a friend paid for, my first ever cheating experience was Noclip/godmode binds for the d-pad. Since the day I got those infections it became a hobby to get cheats everyday. 10yr old me was blown away, I didn't even know cheats existed.

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